Genesis sermon series

Genesis 2:4-25, Life In Paradise
Pastor Tim Huber, 3/16/25
Genesis 3:1-8, The Fall To Temptation
Pastor Tim Huber, 3/30/25
Genesis 1:26-31, In The Image Of God
Pastor Tim Huber, 3/2/25
Genesis 2:1-3, Paradise Rest
Pastor Tim Huber, 3/9/25
Genesis 1:1-2:3, In The Beginning Part 1
Pastor Tim Huber, 2/16/25
Genesis 1:14-2:3, In The Beginning Part 2
Pastor Tim Huber, 2/23/25

Jesus said, sermon series

Mark 11:12-25, Jesus Said: Believe & Receive?
Pastor Tim Huber, 1/19/25
Mark 10:17-31, It's Impossible For A Rich Person To Enter God's Kingdom
Pastor Tim Huber, 1/12/25
Luke 14:25-33, Hate Your Family
Pastor Tim Huber, 1/5/25

2024 Christmas season

Matthew 2:1-12, The Wise Men
Pastor Tim Huber, 12/29/24
Is There Peace On Earth?
Elder Bob Russell, 12/24/24
Luke 2:1-20, Real, Good News For Real People
Pastor Tim Huber, 12/22/24
Luke 1:26-38, The Birth Of Jesus Foretold
Pastor Tim Huber, 12/15/24

CCCC 5 core values series

Romans 10:14-17, Beautiful Feet
Pastor Tim Huber, 12/1/24
Romans 12:1-2, Authentic Worship
Pastor Tim Huber, 11/10/24
John 13:34-35, One-Anothering Like Jesus
Pastor Tim Huber, 11/17/24
Psalm 1, Open Bibles & Happy Lives
Pastor Tim Huber, 10/27/24
1 Peter 2:1-3, Spiritual Growth
Pastor Tim Huber, 11/3/24


Ephesians 6:21-24, Encourage Your Hearts
Pastor Tim Huber, 10/6/24
Ephesians 6:13-17, The Whole Armor of God 2
Pastor Tim Huber, 9/15/24
Ephesians 6:13-20, Strategic Defense
Pastor Tim Huber, 9/22/24
Ephesians 6:13-17, The Armor of God
Pastor Tim Huber, 9/1/24
Ephesians 6:13-17, The Whole Armor of God
Pastor Tim Huber, 9/8/24
Ephesians 6:10-13, Stand Strong
Pastor Tim Huber, 8/18/24
Ephesians 6:10-13 Pt 2, Spiritual Warfare
Pastor Tim Huber, 8/25/24
Ephesians 6:1-4, Wise Children & Parents
Pastor Tim Huber, 7/28/24
Ephesians 6:5-9, Wise Workers & Leaders
Pastor Tim Huber, 8/11/24
Ephesians 5:22-24, Wise Wives
Pastor Tim Huber, 7/14/24
Ephesians 5:25-33, Wise Husbands
Pastor Tim Huber, 7/21/24
Ephesians 5:7-14, Walk In Light
Pastor Tim Huber, 6/16/24
Ephesians 5:15-21, Walk Wise
Pastor Tim Huber, 7/7/24
Ephesians 5:1-6, Walk In Love
Pastor Tim Huber, 6/2/24
Ephesians 5:1-6, Walk In Love Pt 2
Pastor Tim Huber, 6/9/24
Ephesians 4:1-16, Walk Worthy
Pastor Tim Huber, 5/19/24
Ephesians 4:17-32, Walk Differently
Pastor Tim Huber, 5/26/24
Ephesians 3:1-13, Revealing The Mystery Of Christ
Pastor Tim Huber, 5/5/24
Ephesians 3:14-21, A Prayer For The Family
Pastor Tim Huber, 5/12/24
Ephesians 2:1-10, But God
Pastor Tim Huber, 4/7/24
Ephesians 2:11-22, United Together In Christ
Pastor Tim Huber, 4/28/24
Ephesians 1:7-14, We Are Redeemed & Sealed
Pastor Tim Huber, 3/10/24
Ephesians 1:15-23, Knowing Our Father
Pastor Tim Huber, 3/17/24
Ephesians 1:1-2, A Letter For Us
Pastor Tim Huber, 2/25/24
Ephesians 1:3-6, We Are Chosen
Pastor Tim Huber, 3/3/24


Luke 6:1-13, The Dishonest Manager
Pastor Tim Huber, 2/18/24
Luke 10:25-37, The Good Samaritan
Pastor Tim Huber, 2/11/24
Matthew 13:44-46, The Priceless Kingdom
Pastor Tim Huber, 1/28/24
Mark 4:1-20, The Parable Of The Sower
Pastor Tim Huber, 2/4/24

Gospel Of John Series

John 20:19-31, Jesus Appears To His Disciples
Pastor Tim Huber, 12/31/23
John 21:1-25, Follow Me
Pastor Tim Huber, 1/7/24
John 19:16b-42, The King On The Cross
Pastor Tim Huber, 12/17/23
John 20:1-18, This Changes Everything
Pastor Tim Huber, 12/24/23
John 18:12-27, Jesus Denied
Pastor Tim Huber, 11/26/23
John 18:28-19:16, Jesus On Trial
Pastor Tim Huber, 12/3/23
John 17:20-26, Jesus Prayed For Us
Pastor Tim Huber, 10/29/23
John 18:1-11, Jesus Is Arrested
Pastor Tim Huber, 11/19/23
John 17:1-5, Jesus Prays
Pastor Tim Huber, 10/1/23
John 17:6-19, Jesus Prays
Pastor Tim Huber, 10/8/23
John 16:1-15, The Spirit, Our Advantage
Pastor Tim Huber, 8/27/23
John 16:16-33, Joyous Victory 2
Pastor Tim Huber, 9/17/23
John 15:12-17, Love One Another
Pastor Tim Huber, 8/06/23
John 15:18-27, The World Hates You
Pastor Tim Huber, 8/20/23
John 14:25-31, Jesus Gives True Peace
Pastor Tim Huber, 7/16/23
John 15:1-11, Abiding In The Vine
Pastor Tim Huber, 7/30/23
John 14:1-14, To Not Be Troubled, Believe in Jesus
Pastor Tim Huber, 7-2-23
John 14:15-24, Comforting Obedience
Pastor Tim Huber, 7/9/23
John 12:36b-50, Unbelievable Unbelief
Pastor Tim Huber, 6-4-23
John 13:21-38, The Traitor Among Us
Pastor Tim Huber, 6-25-23
John 12:20-36, A Glorious Death
Pastor Tim Huber, 5-21-23
John 12:27-36, A Glorious Death, Part 2
Pastor Tim Huber, 5-28-23
John 12:1-11, Extravagant Worship
Pastor Tim Huber, 5-7-23
John 12:12-19, The King Rode In Triumph
Pastor Tim Huber, 5-14-23
John 11:1-44, Jesus Raises Lazarus
Pastor Tim Huber, 4-2-23
John 11:45-57, The Plot To Kill Jesus
Pastor Duane Otto, 4,16,23
John 10:1-21, I Am The Good Shepherd
Pastor Duane Otto, 3-19-23
John 10:22-42, Faith & Unbelief Revealed
Pastor Duane Otto, 3-26-23
John 8:39-59, Whose Child Are You?
Pastor Tim Huber, 3-5-23
John 9:1-41, Light In A Blind World
Pastor Tim Huber, 3-12-23
John 8:12-30, I Am The Light Of The World
Pastor Duane Otto, 2-19-23
John 8:31-38, The Truth Will Set You Free
Pastor Duane Otto, 2-26-23
John 7:25-52, The Headwaters of Living Water
Pastor Tim Huber, 2-5-23
The Bible And Our Merciful Savior, John 7:53-8:11
Pastor Duane Otto, 2-12-23
John 6:60-71, Divided Disciples
Pastor Duane Otto, 1-22-23
John 7:1-24, Who Is Jesus, Really?
Pastor Duane Otto, 1-29-23
John 6:35-47, The Bread Of Life, Part I
Pasto Duane Otto, 1-8-23
John 6:48-59, The Bread Of Life, Part II
Pastor Duane Otto, 1-15-23
John 6:15-21, "It Is I; Do Not Be Afraid"
Pastor Tim Huber, 12-25-22
John 6:22-34, Searching For Sustenance
Pastor Tim Huber, 1-1-23
John 5:30-47, The Witness For Christ
Pastor Duane Otto, 12-11-22
John 6:1-15, Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand
Pastor Duane Otto, 12-18-22
John 5:1-18, Healing At The Pool
Pastor Duane Otto, 11-27-22
John 5:18-29, Like Father, Like Son
Pastor Tim Huber, 12-4-22
John 4:27-42, Jesus Sends Saved Sinners
Pastor Tim Huber, 11-13-22
John 4: 46-54, Hardship, Healing & Jesus
Pastor Duane Otto, 11-20-22
John 3:22-36, He Must Increase, But I Must Decrease
Pastor Tim Huber, 10-30-22
John 4:1-26, Woman At The Well: Jesus Seeks Sinners To Save
Pastor Duane Otto, 11-6-11
John 2:23-3:15, You Must Be Born Again
Pastor Tim Huber, 10-16-22
John 3:16, The Meaning Of The Gospel
Pastor Duane Otto, 10-23-22
John 2:1-12, The Sign At The Wedding
Pastor Tim Huber, 10-2-22
John 2:12-22, The Cleansing Of The Temple
Pastor Duane Otto, 10-9-22
John 1:1-18, Jesus, The Word Of God
Pastor Duane Otto, 9-11-22
John 1:29-51, The Disciples' Testimony
Pastor Duane Otto, 9-25-22

Summer In Psalms Series

Psalms 23, The Lord Is My Shepherd
Pastor Tim Huber, 8-21-22
Psalms 13, From Sorrow To Rejoicing
Pastor Tim Huber, 8-14-22
Psalm 133, Oily Beards & Mountain Dew
Pastor Tim Huber, 8-7-22

Special Services

Mark 8:27-9:1, The Cruciform Life
Pastor Dan Loggans, 2/2/25
Galatians 4:21-31, Two Covenants
Jon Watts, 2/9/25
Thanksgiving & Praise Sunday
Pastor Tim Huber, 11/24/24
Matthew 28:18-20, Characteristics Of A Disciple
Marty Lyons, 12/8/24
Psalm 127, Unless The Lord Builds The House
Pastor Tim Huber, 10/13/24
Psalm 60, The Lord Fights For His People
Pastor Dan Loggans, 10/20/24
1 John 5:1-5, Born To Overcome The World
Jon Watts, 8/4/24
Isaiah 55:1-3a, What Are You Seeking?
Elder Jeff Fornero, 9/29/24
Acts 12:1-25, Confidence That Calms Our Anxious Fears
Pastor Andrew Gerber, 6/23/24
Galatians 1:6-10, Embracing The True Gospel
Elder Jeremy Besgrove, 6/30/24
Mark 13:24-27, He Is Coming Back
Elder Bob Russell, 4/14/24
Acts 18:1-17, Christ Comes To Corinth
Jon Watts, 4/21/24
Good Friday Service
Pastor Tim Huber, 3/29/24
Easter Sunday Service, The Resurrection Matters, 1 Corinthians 15:1-19
Pastor Tim Huber, 3/31/24
Luke 19:28-40, Palm Sunday
Pastor Tim Huber, 3/24/24
Acts 8:26-40, The Open Door Of The Gospel Message
Pastor Andrew Gerber, 1/14/24
Daniel 4:1-3, Truth That Transforms
Jeremy Besgrove, 1/21/24
Matthew 6:33-34, Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God
Elder Bob Russell, 11/12/23
Matthew 2:1-2, What Child Is This?
Elder Bob Russell, 12/10/23
Luke 19:45-46, Not In My House
Pastor Grant Stauter, 10/22/23
Hebrews 11:7, By Faith Noah
Pastor Duane Otto, 11/5/23
Matthew 24:36, Be Ready
Elder Bob Russell, 9/10/23
Psalm 51:1-19, Dealing With Sin God's Way
Pastor Andrew Gerber, 9/24/23
Genesis 1-3, Creation & Fall Part 1
Pastor Duane Otto, 8-28-22
Genesis 1-3, Creation & Fall Part 2
Pastor Duane Otto, 9-4-22
John 8:12-32, We Have The Light
Pastor Jordan McKinsey, 7/23/23
Isaiah 55:9, Can We Understand God?
Elder Bob Russell, 8/13/23
Acts 20:17-38, A Life Well Lived
Pastor Duane Otto, 4-30-23
1 John 3:1-3, Who Are We?
CCCC Elder Bob Russell, 6-11-23
Matthew 28:1-20, He Is Risen
Pastor Tim Huber, 4-9-23
Deuteronomy 31:1-13, A Healthy Transition
Pastor Tim Huber, 4-23-23